OOC: Allright Guys, i threw this page together really fast, but this is a short chronicle of the events that happened on August 19, 2003, beginning at approximately 10 eastern.
The night before, everyone assembled at the bank and chose Duo Maxwell, Fierce Knight, and Sephiroth to lead the assault against lord blackthorne's forces.
After an insanely harsh battle, the remaining heros assmble, about 2-3 people were lost during the fight that never came back. Due to the intensity of the battle, our cameraman had left the scene until it was over for safety reasons.
And lord british makes his first statement of the night. And so he did carry through with this, all those involved now have clothing fit for kings, and a few riches too.
Due to survivingextreme trauma Lord British went through before we rescued him , he is now twice the lord he was.
And here we see bobo has no manners, eating in the king's precence without permition.
And here lord british accepts the swords and shields of his two knights who led the rescue party, now that they are not needed.
And lord british makes another well thought out statement.
Our Lord makes another command, and so we look around, seeing the corpses of enemies, horses, and the brave knights.
Due to the extreme trauma, our now twice as lordly lord british had a temporary identity crisis and turned evil for a split-second.
Lord british bestows on everyone his gifts, and takes his seat on the throne bordered by his two knights.
We never did get Lord Blackthorne, so expecting him to be back.... is almost certain.
A tiny drake had the gall to attack British's warriors when they left the castle to head for some rest and relaxation, so they took out thier frustrations on it in a timely fashion.
Here we see Valor and Duo cooking up some nice KFC for everyone.
Proof that Valor and Duo can both cook.
We left valor order the female entertainment, and well..... a nasty suprise came halfway through the show.
Well, we're not sure which one it was valor.
If you ever wonder why GMs have moodswings or are really harsh sometimes, that would be the reason right up there.
And unfortunatly, Scorpion King found Valor's stash.
And on another side note, Duo had to decline cause he was the designated driver. :(
Uh-oh, who invited him?
Fierce bites off more then he can chew.
Farmer Valor!